Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fast 5 Diary January 18

Definitely easier to fast during the weekdays.  Just so busy, and have a good routine punctuated with coffee, water, or diet coke whenever I want.  So far have really enjoyed dinners and not been careful at all.  Last night I made London Broil, marinated for 2 days in lime juice, cumin, cayenne pepper, olive oil, Trader Joes 21 Seasoning Salute, and salt.  I made prosciutto wrapped asparagus and roasted the rest of the asparagus in olive oil and salt.  I ate an apple with peanut butter.  I also made grilled cheese for the girls, and had a few slices of the gruyere.  I am not hungry this morning.  I'll post a "measurement" summary this weekend. 
  • satisfying: yes
  • filling: yes 
  • feels effective so far: yes

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